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Addictions Are Your Best Friends
numb out. She does not fear her emotions as painful as they might seem
sometimes. She has learned to develop a comprehensive relationship with
all of her emotions. She follows the laws of nature and lets out the energy of
her emotions as often as she can in a safe and timely manner.
When you repress and hold on to your emotions, you are removing
yourself from nature's ways. Emotional wisdom is equated with health and
vibrancy. Repression and addictions keep you stuck and battling a body
that is attacking itself. With emotional wisdom comes freedom from pain.
Emotional illiteracy only adds to the pain that you continue to store within
your body.
Addictions Are Your Best Friends
Your addictions are your most intimate relationships. When you
have lost your natural guidance, addictions are what you run to for safety
and comfort. Addictions are what you will protect and defend with the last
ounce of strength in your body. They are as familiar to you as your best
friends. In fact, your addictions are your best friends. Addictions always
seem to be with you to get you out of your emotional messes. Addictions are
loyal, like the family dog. Your addictions come to your rescue whenever you
might need them the most. Once you begin to understand your addictions
as the intimate relationships that they are, you will begin to heal yourself
of them.
Your addictions are what get you through each and every day. They
are a time-honored relationship. You might have a relationship with sex,
food, romance, shopping, violence, power, work or exercise in order to not
feel any feelings.
For you to heal, it is important to begin to establish a relationship
with yourself and with your feelings. You have had a long history of
a relationship with your addictions. The more you can say "No" to your
addictions and "Yes" to your feelings, the quicker you will heal. You will
begin to change the addiction scale so that more weight is being placed on
the feeling side. The more one feels, the less of a need for addictions. When
you begin to establish a relationship with yourself and your feelings, the
more you will head down the path of recovery. Until then, you just keep
going around and around in circles. Just as you run to be with your best
friends, you will also run to be with your addictions.